Exploring document databases with Azimutt nested columns
Azimutt is known for exploring relational databases. But today, we gave it a huge upgrade, making document databases such as MongoDB and Couchbase easily explorable too. Let's dive in.
Exploring document databases with Azimutt nested columns
Azimutt is known for exploring relational databases. But today, we gave it a huge upgrade, making document databases such as MongoDB and Couchbase easily explorable too. Let's dive in.
Review of 2022, plans for 2023
2022 has been quite a year for Azimutt, we went from a basic tool to a full-fledged product, ready to be used by large companies, like Doctolib! Here's what happened, and what to expect next...
Got a PostgreSQL database on Heroku? Try Azimutt Add-on!
Azimutt has now a full integration with Heroku! Let's see how you can easily integrate Azimutt with your PostgreSQL database on Heroku. It's a bliss ✨
Document your database schema using rich text memos
Have you ever dreamed about embellishing your database schema with some doc? Text, images, headings, links, code, table and more? It's now a core feature of Azimutt, here's more...
Azimutt v2
About a year after its first release, Azimutt is moving into the biggest change it has ever made, and for that, we announce today the 2nd version of Azimutt 🚀
[changelog] Cloud Nord, visual roadmap and unreleased work ^^
The big launch teased last month still needs a bit of polish, but we can reveal more about it... You will be the first ones to discover and maybe use it! Hope it will please you <3
Explore PostgreSQL internals with SQL to extract a database schema!
Have you ever wondered how to list tables and columns on PostgreSQL? Or some even trickier operations such as getting tables without primary key? Here it is, let's dive into the internals and see what we can do.
[changelog] Type definitions in your diagram, full AML documentation...
No rest in August for Azimutt, some nice improvements and tricky bugs finally tackled and released. And also huge preparation work for big launches in September, stay tuned!
[changelog] Get schema using database connection, JSON source and more
July: holidays and big change! You can now import your schema in Azimutt using a database connection, no need to export it yourself anymore. This is THE big change but not the only nice improvement, of the month.
[changelog] Extend schema, better search, easier exploration and more
Let's make good recap on what happened on Azimutt in June. The big feature you don't want to miss is the schema edition but there is a lot more that will improve your daily life exploring your database schema.
Stop using auto-increment for table primary keys!
It is quite popular to use integer auto-increments for table primary keys, lots of tutorial and even frameworks do so. But it's a mistake that will bite you, unless you fail before. Here is why and how to fix it, easily.
AML, a language to define your database schema
When you have an idea, you want to write it as fast as possible because your thoughts are much quicker than your hands. Having tools that let you do that is a must when having a discussion or brainstorming.
Improve your database design with Azimutt analyzer
Keeping your database schema consistent can be quite hard, especially when your team is growing. Computers are much better than humans at exhaustivity and consistency, so let join forces and exploit this for the better.
How to choose your Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)
If you ever looked for database diagrams you already have found plenty of ERDs. But knowing how to choose one is another matter, and it's the goal of this article to guide you in this crowded space.
Embed your database schema anywhere
If you ever write some documentation or designed some database evolution, it could be helpful to include a visual diagram to make it more understandable. Learn how to do it with Azimutt and much more, be sure to read until the end.
Why you should avoid tables with many columns, and how to fix them
If you keep adding columns to your existing tables when you develop new features, they may grow a lot with time and cause complexity problems later. Let's better design your database structure to avoid that.
How to explore your database schema with Azimutt
Relational databases can be complex and hard to understand. Having a visual tool, like an entity relationship diagram (erd), help a lot. The best is when it's fully interactive and can follow your mind. Let's dig into Azimutt's abilities...
The story behind Azimutt
I believe organizing information is at the heart of the software mission. I have been thinking about this for years and focused on understanding databases for 5 years now. Here is how it happened...